Yes, Virtual Hypnosis Works, contact Kellie to learn more.


Currently, Kellie has limited availability and is only offering sessions via Zoom, evenings and weekends

Hypnosis: The Map and Bridge to your Future

Hypnosis is the most powerful self-help tool available to help you make change easier. We will work together to unleash the power of your subconscious mind with hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Find out if this approach is right for you. Call me for a confidential, no obligation and no pressure consultation.

20 minute phone consultation - Free

6 Sessions - Best value - $897.00

3 Sessions - $597

Note: The first session is 90 minutes

Single first Session - $295 (90 minutes)

As needed after first session $165.00

Custom programs available to meet your specific need.

Hypnosis to IMPROVE YOUR LIFE IN 30 DAYS: Looking for a way to transform your life for the better? Look no further than the programs offered by Kellie Whitney, including hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and life coaching. With Kellie's guidance, you can make positive changes in a safe and comfortable environment. You deserve to invest in yourself. Schedule a free phone consultation today and start your journey towards a better future. You too can design and live your best life!

Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief: Do you often feel overwhelmed by anxiety and struggle to achieve your goals in life? If so, you're not alone. But there's no need to let anxiety control you anymore. With our custom program, you can take control of your life and start living the way you want. The program includes six one-on-one meetings with Kellie Whitney, where you'll work together to customize each session to your specific needs. Kellie will offer you the support and guidance you need to live a more comfortable and fulfilling life. Don't let anxiety hold you back any longer. Sign up for our program today and start living the life you deserve.

Hypnosis to Navigate a Major Life Change: Have you recently experienced a significant life lesson or a traumatic event that has left you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and out of control? You might feel like you have lost touch with yourself and your purpose in life. Whether it's a medical diagnosis, a relationship loss, a financial setback, or any other transition that has left you feeling out of control, this program can guide you towards taking control of your life again and finding joy. This customized hypnosis program includes six one-on-one meetings with Kellie Whitney. Together, you and Kellie will tailor each session to your specific needs, providing the necessary support to help you achieve your goal quickly and comfortably.

Hypnosis for Confidence and Higher Self-Esteem: Are you someone who often regrets not doing something because of negative thoughts like "I'm not good enough", "I can't do it", or "people like me don't succeed"? Do you sometimes feel like you don't measure up or aren't deserving of success? If you answered yes, then this personalized hypnosis program is just for you. It includes six one-on-one hypnotic coaching sessions with Kellie Whitney, where together you will tailor each session to your specific needs and goals. Kellie will provide you with the support you need to overcome any self-doubt and achieve the success you desire because you are worthy!

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT): This methodology combines trance, hypnosis, regression, imagery, and positive suggestions to create a transformative effect.

Don’t see what you need? Call Kellie to discuss customizing a program just for you.

Invest in Yourself

Mind-Spa Relaxation $150.00

Experience a guided imagery and hypnotic relaxation session that harnesses the power of your creative and powerful mind. The Mind-Spa hypnosis is perfect for those who prefer not to be touched during a massage or want to take a mental "time-out." Many people have found the mind spa to be a relaxing and enlightening experience. However, it's important to note that hypnosis and imagery exercises may not be suitable for individuals who have psychosis, dissociative disorders, or schizophrenia. It's recommended to consult with a licensed provider before trying this experience. Additionally, it's essential to understand that stress relief and reduction may lead to physical relaxation.

Learn Self-Hypnosis - $350.00

A customized single two-hour hypnosis session is available to teach you self-hypnosis and provide suggestions to help you achieve the change you desire. Prior to the session, a brief call is required to make sure this is the best approach for you. For one month after the session, coaching support via email is available. This session is designed for individuals who have already invested in their personal development or have a regular meditation practice. To receive a full refund of your deposit, you must cancel or reschedule at least two business days in advance of the session. However, self-hypnosis may not be suitable for individuals who experience psychosis, dissociative disorders, or schizophrenia. Please check with your licensed provider.

Prime Intention Hypnosis and Wellness

(719) 838-3832

Disclaimer: Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person's subconscious mind to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is a proven, adjunctive method to complement standard medical and mental healthcare. Because hypnosis and hypnotherapy are a series of self-help skills and their effectiveness depends on the client, no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. Hypnotherapy is NOT a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy by a licensed provider. Kellie Whitney does NOT practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are NOT a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, the psychiatric or medical treatment provided by a licensed provider. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Medical support hypnotherapy is used ONLY as a complement to conventional medical and mental healthcare treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.