(719) 838-3832 for Hypnosis and Coaching


I love sharing the power of hypnosis so feel free to call me. If I am in session, leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible.

Prime Intention Hypnosis and Wellness

Introduction to Hypnosis for Transformation

Kellie explains hypnosis in under 2 minutes

Prime Intention Hypnosis and Wellness

(719) 838-3832

Disclaimer: Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person's subconscious mind to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is a proven, adjunctive method to complement standard medical and mental healthcare. Because hypnosis and hypnotherapy are a series of self-help skills and their effectiveness depends on the client, no guarantee can be made regarding the results of their use. Hypnotherapy is NOT a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy by a licensed provider. Kellie Whitney does NOT practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are NOT a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, the psychiatric or medical treatment provided by a licensed provider. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition. Medical support hypnotherapy is used ONLY as a complement to conventional medical and mental healthcare treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnotherapy services are provided.